Monday 19 May 2014

Writing Content for Startups

Online businesses - especially startups - rely on quality content now more than ever to attract customers to their product or services. In the age of wireless communication, all it takes is a few seconds to make a potential customer interested on your offerings, or they’ll go for something or somebody else. For a startup business, there are some pointers to keep in mind when writing your content marketing pieces.
What Your Audience Wants
A key to writing good promotional content is to visualize how your target audience will see your content. For instance, if your products or services are for a younger set of customers like teenagers, use words that they’ll understand to convey your ideas effectively. You can style the content around, say, regular teenager problems where a solution involves your goods or services.
No Chunks!
Like slabs of meat sliced into smaller cuts for easier consumption, online content works well when an article is divided into sections for easy readability. Be sure to add headings, as these allow your reader to easily scan and see what information they want to read.
Quality Control
If your articles have options to be shared over social media platforms, any mistakes and inconsistencies in the material can be mercilessly dissected, which can affect your online reputation, and ultimately, your bottom line. As such, your team should edit the material for consistency and accuracy of facts before posting. Remember, there’s no such thing as too much proofreading.