Friday 1 August 2014

Staying True to the Brand Benfits Companies

McDonalds’ Canada seems to be running one of the most successful content marketing strategies in the industry by playing the honesty card. Its website set up a section called “Our Food, Our Questions”, exclusive for the Q&A’s. Customers may ask any question about their food, and they will be answered immediately. It’s a convenient setup not only for the curious, but also for customers who want to know more about the food they are ordering online. Many food-related websites are only accessible through their Twitter and Facebook pages.
In McDonald’s Canada Q&A site, even tough interrogations from customers were entertained, according to FastCompany.com. The ‘no-dodging-of-questions’ policy was one of the campaign’s values which the customers welcomed.
Customers always appreciate integrity and candor from the companies they patronize. A Business News Daily article, had stated that the willingness of businesses to be transparent with information that their customers need to know will determine the direction that content marketing will take in the future. While it looks as though it is the nature of advertisers and marketers out there to bend the truth about their products and services as part of their creative license, the future of content marketing industry is geared towards becoming more creatively forthright and authentic. Customers value ease and convenience and companies learn to gain their trust by being offered high-quality and honest content. This kind of customer service approach keeps your customers and clients alike satisfied and happy to do business with you.